November 16, 2010

Toilet in the palace Shirvanshahs?

Tourists will have to stock up on gas masks before the tour

Azerbaijan. Baku-Inner city. With this one title each Bakunian is a sense of pride. This unique historical ensemble, located right in the center of Baku, without exaggeration be called the heart of the city. It is in this place, on a hill near the sea sprang ancient Baku. The town grew, and in the XII century, it was surrounded by perimeter walls. Therefore, 'Inner city' is often also called a fortress. Over the dilapidated walls, numerous unique monuments: the palace complex Shirvanshahs the tomb, Divankhana Mosque, "Maiden Tower" ("Maiden Tower"), mosques and minarets, the remnants of caravanserai, baths. Complex Inner-Shahar received the status of historical and architectural reserve in 1977.

In December 2000, Inner Shahar, together with the Maiden Tower and the Palace Complex Shirvanshahs included in the UNESCO list of World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

Unfortunately, we often do not appreciate what we have. Although some of our officials, speaking on television, loud and excitedly talk about how much attention is paid to protecting the reserve, the real picture is far from ideal. In this case, it will focus on the palace of Shirvan, which is the heart of Inner Shahar.

The trouble is that some of our citizens or severe kidney problems, or whether they are avid fans of beer. Naturally, after copious drink beer, I want to, pardon the expression, to urinate. And it is quite understandable. But it is unclear why some people with the stubbornness of the famous four-legged creatures prefer to urinate and defecate away from home or public toilets, and in the doorways of houses, elevators, and so on. What is this obsession to barbarism? Ask what the relationship between the palace Shirvanshahs and incivility of some "conscious" citizens? The most direct.

The fact that some vandals (aka them and not name), which are far from the notions of culture, historic sites, staged a latrine or anywhere else, but ... in the heart of Inner Shahar - Palace of Shirvan.

"Almighty" the toilet is in one of the niche recently remodeled baths. This attitude to the most famous historical monuments of Baku is anger, bitterness and resentment.Moreover, in the adjoining alcove arranged a real garbage dump, which "attract" tourists and residents of the capital empty bottles of Coca-Cola and Fanta.

Here and go to residents and visitors to our city and get acquainted with the sights Shirvanshah Palace, not forgetting to pinch their noses. And if it goes on, the tourists will have to stock up on gas masks before the tour, as not everyone can make that stench that exudes a "miraculous" toilet. And the foreigners at the sight of such a pattern develops a negative image of the entire Azerbaijani people, which similarly applies to the unique monument of history. And it's not just foreigners. A similar picture can not warp, because allowing such a disgrace, we are thus spit on their own history. As mentioned Vereshchagin, "for power offensively."

Well, with "conscious" citizens somehow we define it, but where are watching The Office of the State Historical-Architectural Reserve the old city which is obliged not only to prevent such an outrage, but does not allow such a situation?

For clarification of the situation we were yesterday, appealed to the above-mentioned control. In an interview with a reporter Vesti.Az press service head of this structure Rahib Azeri said that he was not aware of ugliness. "Thank you for the signal. But if the picture is the place to be, I immediately contact the head of the department and put it in the famous "- he said.

A day later, R. Azeri said that appropriate measures are taken, and in all the niches in the palace baths Shirvanshahs have guided cleanliness and order. Well, it is nice that the Office of the State Historical-Architectural Reserve acted quickly. A good example for other government agencies, some of which the solution of certain problems lay up to the Greek Kalends.

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